MACHINE LEARNING is A subset of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science, machine learning (ML) deals with the study and use of data and algorithms that mimic how humans learn. This helps machines gradually improve their accuracy. ML allows software applications to improve their prediction accuracy without being specifically programmed to do so. It estimates new output values by using historical data as input.
Modul Sentimen Analysis: Analisis Sentimen
Rubrik Penilaian:
- Rubrik Diskusi
- Rubrik Simulasi Project
- Rubrik Presentasi
Struktur Lembar Kerja Kelompok
Cover memuat Algoritma Machine Learning dan Nama kelompok berdasarkan kontribusi di kelompoknya.
- A. Konsep Algoritma Machine Learning (Konsep matematik/statistik dan asumsi-asumsinya)
- B. Paket ML yang digunakan di Python
- C. Contoh Kasus penerapan AML yang digunakan
- D. Kesimpulan dan saran
- E. Daftar Pustaka