Salam Hangat !

Semoga senantiasa dalam cinta kasih Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, dan tetap semangat menjalani aktivitas yang penuh guncangan (disrupsi). Ada sebuah kutipan yang pernah menjadi slogan kegiatan Training Pendampingan Masyarakat (TPM), ketika masih di Lembaga Kemahasiswaan. Kutipan dikutip dari majalah terbitan Bina Desa Jakarta, yang merupakan mitra dalam kegiatan TPM. 
'Percikan bunga api itu bisa membakar ilalang'. 

Bunga api hanyalah sebuah percikan, namun berpotensi membakar segala yang ada disekitarnya. Upaya sekecil apapun harus tetap dilakukan untuk tercapainya sebuah transformasi diri menjadi lebih sempurna dan menyempurna setiap hari. Mengawali Materi yang sederhana ini, beberapa referensi dalam materi ini dapat disimak pada setiap link yang ditautkan. Dua rujukan utama tentang Model Bisnis Digital, Inovasi, Transformasi Digital, dll. Dapat disimak di digitalleadership, digital business model dan juga di harvard business

Pada materi ini hendak mengulas sekilas seputar 3 teori ekonomi digital berikut ini:
Disruptive innovation is the process in which a smaller company, usually with fewer resources, is able to challenge an established business (often called an “incumbent”) by entering at the bottom of the market and continuing to move up-market ~Christensen~

Kreativias dan Inovasi kerap membingungkan, semoga deskripsi berikut membantu mengurangi kebingungan kita.

The 7 Fields of Innovation

Experts agree there are 7 Fields of Innovation—7 areas of your business where Innovation can take shape. Through understanding these distinct areas of potential Innovation, you can best select where your specific business should invest its resources (source: digitalleadershipcom)

(1) Product Innovation involves creating new or improved products or services that meet the evolving needs and expectations of customers. How we specifically execute Product Innovation can take different forms: incremental, small improvements to existing products or services, or radical changes that transform entire markets and industries.

Let’s consider how we might implement Product Innovation:
  • New product development: creating entirely new products or services that meet needs not currently being served by existing products
  • Product improvement: enhancing existing products or services to improve functionality, quality, or performance
  • Line extensions: introducing new variants or versions of existing products to the product line to appeal to different customer segments
  • Repositioning: changing the target market or value proposition of an existing product meet customer needs better
(2) Technology Innovation includes the development and introduction of new or improved technologies with new or enhanced capabilities, functionalities, or efficiencies. In this way, Innovation is propelled by creating new solutions or improving existing ones through the application of scientific, engineering, and technical knowledge.

Technology Innovation includes several potential approaches:
  • New technology development: creating entirely new technologies that can be used to solve existing problems or meet new needs
  • Technology improvement: making enhancements to existing technologies to improve their performance, reliability, or efficiency
  • Technology integration: combining different technologies to create new solutions or applications
  • Disruptive technology: creating new technologies offering a radically different value proposition
(3) Business Model Innovation. In Business Model Innovation, we create new or improved business models that offer original or enhanced value propositions, revenue streams, cost structures, or customer experiences. We focus on entirely new ways of doing business, organizing around value delivery.

Business model innovation can take several forms or here complete:
  • New business models: creating entirely new business models that can be used to solve existing problems or meet new needs
  • Business model improvement: making enhancements to existing business models, improving their efficiency, effectiveness, or sustainability
  • Business model replication: adapting successful business models from one market or industry and applying it somewhere else
  • Disruptive business models: creating new business models that offer a radically different value proposition
(4) Process Innovation deals with the development and implementation of new or improved processes that offer new or enhanced capabilities, functionalities, or efficiencies. We find ways to do things differently that are a useful improvement over previous efforts.

Process Innovation has several shapes it can take:
  • New process development: entirely new processes are created that can be used to solve existing problems or meet new needs
  • Process improvement: enhancements made to existing processes improve their performance, reliability, or efficiency
  • Process integration: different processes combined to create new solutions or applications
  • Disruptive process:  a radically different value proposition is offered by newly developed processes
(5) Marketing Innovation includes the development and implementation of new and creative marketing strategies, techniques, and tools that help businesses better promote and sell their products or services.

How do we market differently? Some examples include:
  • use of social media platforms
  • personalized advertising
  • influencer marketing
  • Gamification
  • virtual reality
  • augmented reality
  • development of new marketing channels (such as mobile apps, chatbots, and voice assistants)
(6) Service innovation involves the development and implementation of new and existing ideas and solutions for improved services. Innovative solutions address customer problems, enhance customer experiences, and improve the overall quality and value of services.

Service Innovation can take many forms:
  • introduction of new services
  • improvement of existing services
  • integration of technology into services
  • customization of services to better meet individual customer needs.
(7) Organizational Innovation refers to the development and implementation of new organizational structures, processes, and practices that enable businesses to operate more efficiently, effectively, and sustainably. We rethink traditional ways of doing things, embrace new technologies and systems, and create a culture of innovation within an organization.

Organizational Innovation can take many forms:
  • the adoption of new management practices
  • the implementation of agile methodologies
  • the creation of cross-functional teams
  • the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • the development of new business models
  • the promotion of creativity and risk-taking within an organization to encourage employees to generate new ideas and solutions
Amabile, menyatakan bahwa :
“Innovation is defined as the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization”.  
Oleh karena itu kepemimpinan (leadership) merupakan faktor paling penting yang mempengaruhi inovasi. Hal ini dapat dilihat melalui pengaruh kepemimpinan pada karakteristik organisasi seperti budaya, strategi, struktur, sistem rewards , atau sumber daya (resources), atau melalui pengaruh langsung terhadap perilaku mereka dalam kreatifitas perusahaan (employee’s creativity) dan motivasi.
Tiga jenis inovasi menurut Christensen

Market-creating Innovations:�Hasil pemikiran yang inovatif mendorong pertumbuhan baru sebagai peluang dalam trend di pasar yang menghadirkan berbagai implementasi baru. Pada jenis inovasi ini, menurut Denning, (2016) dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan perusahaan lama yang tidak memperbarui sistem mereka untuk menghasilkan produk dalam jumlah besar dengan harga yang terjangkau

Sustaining Innovations:�Perubahan sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjaga keberlangsungan laju dunia perekonomian dan industri dalam meningkatkan performanya. Hal ini mendorong adanya inovasi dari pihak perusahaan dengan menyesuaikan terhadap kondisi pasar, dimana bertujuan untuk menciptakan produk atau layanan yang lebih baik. Untuk menjaga stabilitas perekonomian, pemimpin perlu memikirkan solusi yang dapat memecahkan masalah dalam jangka panjang dengan menghasilkan produk baru yang berkualitas dengan harga yang sesuai, sehingga selain perusahaan, pihak eksternal berupa pelanggan akan terjamin pemenuhan kebutuhannya dengan pengeluaran yang efisien.

Efficiency Innovations:�Pada inovasi ini bertujuan untuk dapat menghasilkan output yang lebih banyak dengan usaha yang efisien. Perusahaan dapat menilai informasi yang diperoleh terkait dengan produktivitas yang berjalan, sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya penggunaan biaya yang tidak perlu untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas. Kelemahan pada inovasi ini adalah dapat mengurangi jumlah tenaga kerja, seperti contohnya di era 4.0 telah menghadirkan teknologi yang mampu meningkatkan performa perusahaan secara efektif dengan mengefisiensi sumber daya manusia (Moffitt et al., 2018). 

Is Uber a Disruptive Innovation?

Let’s consider Uber, the much-feted transportation company whose mobile application connects consumers who need rides with drivers who are willing to provide them. Founded in 2009, the company has enjoyed fantastic growth (it operates in hundreds of cities in 60 countries and is still expanding). It has reported tremendous financial success (the most recent funding round implies an enterprise value in the vicinity of $50 billion). And it has spawned a slew of imitators (other start-ups are trying to emulate its “market-making” business model). Uber is clearly transforming the taxi business in the United States. But is it disrupting the taxi business?

According to the theory, the answer is no. Uber’s financial and strategic achievements do not qualify the company as genuinely disruptive—although the company is almost always described that way. Here are two reasons why the label doesn’t fit.

Disruptive innovations originate in low-end or new-market footholds. Disruptive innovations are made possible because they get started in two types of markets that incumbents overlook. Low-end footholds exist because incumbents typically try to provide their most profitable and demanding customers with ever-improving products and services, and they pay less attention to less-demanding customers. In fact, incumbents’ offerings often overshoot the performance requirements of the latter. This opens the door to a disrupter focused (at first) on providing those low-end customers with a “good enough” product.

Austrian Economics Perspective
  • Schumpeter considered ‘creative destruction’ the essential fact about capitalism. He popularized the term as a theory of economic innovation and also the business cycle. 
  • British economist Christopher Freeman, who devoted much time researching the works of Schumpeter, once said:
  • “The central point of his whole life work is that capitalism can only be understood as an evolutionary process of continuous innovation and ‘creative destruction’.”
Joseph Schumpeter – Austrian Economics
  • Schumpeter was what economists today call an Austrian economist. Austrian economics is a school of thought that promotes laissez-faire and liberalism.
  • Austrian economists believe that the market can find its own path without government intervention.
Semoga uraian sederhana ini bisa menjadi percikan bunga api. Karena pikiran seperti nyala api yang harus dikobarkan. :)